Introducing Autopilot

Today we are excited to announce the friends & family launch of our new app, Autopilot! You can download the app for iOS here and for Android here.

What does Autopilot do?

Autopilot makes doing habits, routines, and practices as easy as the pressing the “play” button. It guides you through activities using step-by-step guided audio flows, helping you overcome the resistance associated with starting and sticking to a behavior.

You can create flows for the behaviors you want to cultivate, or discover something fun and new within the app.

Why would I use Autopilot?

On a day to day basis, how much mental energy do you expend contemplating these three basic questions:

“What should I be doing right now?”

“How much longer should I do it for?”

“What will I be doing next?”

Let’s face it – deciding what to do is hard, and staying motivated through multi-step practices can be drag if you have to keep deciding what comes next. There’s a reason that fitness instructors, guided meditations, and managers exist! It’s easier to do stuff when you’re being told what to do.

When you create a flow in Autopilot, you frontload the hard work of deciding what you are doing and for how long. Then, from the moment you press "play", you can focus on actually doing.

What are people saying about Autopilot?

"I use Autopilot every morning to do my five minute stretching routine."

"Autopilot is like having a clone of myself: me from the past telling me now what to do next so I can focus on execution."

"With Autopilot, adding three minutes of skin care to my evening routine was as easy as dropping an extra step into my flow. Something I was very resistant to, I now do every evening without thinking twice about it."

"My partner and I use Autopilot to go deeper with guided conversations. It's like having a facilitator sitting next to us, and it only took a few minutes to set up."

What happened to Newday?

After releasing the Newday app we got lots of feedback from awesome users and early supports, like you. Thank you!

Two of the major points of feedback we heard were:

  • This app is too complicated and I don't know what to do next. (many people)
  • I created a flow that's helping me and I've been using it almost every day. ( a few people)

We concluded that we had buried the most useful piece of our app under a mound of features and aesthetics that made it difficult for our users to reach it.

We went back to the drawing board and sketched out a simplified app that placed just the flows feature of Newday into a clean and hyper-accessible format.

In the end, the result was Autopilot, a repackaged and rebranded experience that puts flows front and center. We hope it helps you!